Parents must provide proof of residency in Trinity Independent School District. Parents/Guardians will need to have the following proofs of residency:
- Drivers License or DPS photo ID (this must reflect the 911/physical address within Trinity ISD)
- Two of the following proofs of residency (we may request additional information if needed):
Tax Statement
Voter’s Registration Card
Utility Bill (Current Usage Shown)
Cable/Satellite Bill (Current)
Rental/Lease property agreement with the 911/physical address.
3. If parent/guardian with child(ren) are living with another family, a court notarized document from Trinity County Clerk’s Office must be presented and filed with court. Both parties being present. Copy of Document will be filed in student’s records.
4. Documents required for registration:
5. Person enrolling student must be the parent or have legal (court documentation of guardianship)
6. Copy of the Parent’s Driver’s License or Official DPS Photo ID
7. Certified Birth Certificate
8. Copy of current Immunization Record
9. Copy of the student’s Social Security Card
For students enrolling in Pre-K, you will also need to furnish proof of income.